Published the restrictions to the trucks for 2024 in Spain
Daily source of the Transport
It has published in the BOE the Resolution of 24 January 2024, of the General Direction of Traffic, by which establish special measures of regulation of traffic during the year 2024.
Today, 31 January, it has published in the Official Bulletin of the State (BOE) the Resolution of 24 January 2024, of the General Direction of Traffic, by which establish special measures of regulation of traffic during the year 2024.
It forbids the circulation of the vehicles of transport of commodities in general of more than 7.500 kilograms of maximum mass authorised (MMA) or maximum mass of set (MMC) in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex II of the resolution.
They remain exentos of this prohibition, the vehicles and set of vehicles of any maximum mass authorised, that collect to continuation:
.- Transport of alive livestock.
.- Transport of perishable commodities, understanding like such the collected in the International Agreement on the transport of perishable commodities (ATP) as well as the fruits and fresh vegetables, in vehicles that satisfy the defhomenes and norms expressed in the anejo 1 of the ATP. Anyway, the perishable commodity will have to suppose at least the half of the capacity of useful load of the vehicle or occupy the half of the volume of useful load of the vehicle.
.- Vehicles of the State Society Posts and Telegraphs, Anonymous Society, allocated to the transport of sendings postcards inside the field of the provision of the universal postal service, of Monday to Friday, both included.
.- In period of campaign of vialidad wintry, those that transport fundentes to ensure the correct maintenance of the vialidad of the roads.
.- Vehicles of help in public roads.
The vehicles of dangerous commodities, that have to spend the orange signposts of signage of satisfied statutory danger the Agreement on the international transport of commodities, have forbidden the circulation in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex V of the resolution, and besides, when the vehicle surpass the 7.500 kilograms of maximum mass authorised (MMA) or maximum mass of set (MMC),the indicated in the annex II.
The itineraries to use by the vehicles for the transport of dangerous commodities will be:
To) In scrollings for distribution and distribution of the dangerous commodity to his final addressees or consumers: it will use the most ideal itinerary, so much in relation with the security vial as with the fluidity of the traffic, visiting the minimum possible distance along conventional roads, until the point of delivery of the commodity.
They will have to use inexcusablemente the circunvalaciones, variants or external rounds to the populations if there were them, and in case to exist more than one will circulate by the most external to the population, being able to go in in the urban core only to make the operations of load and download, and always by the most next access to the point of delivery save by causes justified of main force.
b) In another type of scrollings: If the points of origin and fate of the scrolling find included inside the RIMP –Net of Itineraries for Dangerous Commodities– that appears in the annex IV of the resolution, the vehicles that transport them, will have to use them obligatoriamente in his route.
If one of these points, or both, remain out of the RIMP the scrollings will have to make by those roads that allow to access to said net by the entrance or start more next in the sense of the course, so as to guarantee that the route by roads of shod only was the shortest possible. The traffic by distinct roads of the distinguished will require that the itinerary no discurra by travesías or do it by the ones of minor dangerousness –in accordance with the intensity, classification and distribution of the traffic, the size of the urban core, the configuration urbanística, and the outline and regulation of the same–, and besides, the previous communication with, at least, twenty-four hours of antelación to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the one who coordinated with the Sector of the Grouping of Traffic of the Civil Guard, will confirm if it proceeds the utilisation of the new route.
Likewise, it will allow abandon the RIMP by the most next start, in those scrollings whose fate or origin was the usual residence of the driver; to effect the daily or weekly rests; for the realisation of operations of reparation, maintenance of the vehicle or to access to the base of the company carrier, as long as, anyway, fulfil the conditions of security and protection established in the ADR.
c) The had in the anterior paragraphs, will not be of application when the transport of this class of commodities make in accordance with any of the exemptions collected in the ADR by reason of the load, quantity or type of transport.
The special vehicles and vehicles that require complementary permission of circulation when surpassing, by his technical characteristics or by reason of the indivisible load transported, the values of the masses or maximum dimensions allowed, have forbidden the circulation in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex II and the annex V.
.- This restriction will not be of application to vehicles that, in function of his urgent utilisation in works of prevention and extinction of fires, protection of the environment, maintenance of the conditions of vialidad of the roads and rescue of human lives, have to ineludiblemente circulate in the schedule restricted quoted.
For this, in the moment of home of the scrolling, will communicate to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the number of complementary permission or, in his defect the matrícula of the vehicle, as well as the urgent service to make and itinerary that will follow from his origin until the place of fate.
.- The agricultural machinery and the one of works or services, whenever they do not require complementary permission of circulation, will be exenta of the restrictions contemplated in the annex V of this resolution.
.- The special vehicles to the service of help in road will be exentos of the restrictions contemplated in the annex II and annex V.
– The cranes of elevation of until 5 axes (included),will be exentas of the restrictions contemplated the annex V.
– In the case of accidents that require the urgent and immediate presence of machineries of services automotriz and cranes of elevation in the place of the event, will communicate to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the number of complementary permission or, in his defect, matrícula of the vehicle, as well as the itinerary that will follow from his origin until the place of fate.
It has published in the BOE the Resolution of 24 January 2024, of the General Direction of Traffic, by which establish special measures of regulation of traffic during the year 2024.
Today, 31 January, it has published in the Official Bulletin of the State (BOE) the Resolution of 24 January 2024, of the General Direction of Traffic, by which establish special measures of regulation of traffic during the year 2024.
It forbids the circulation of the vehicles of transport of commodities in general of more than 7.500 kilograms of maximum mass authorised (MMA) or maximum mass of set (MMC) in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex II of the resolution.
They remain exentos of this prohibition, the vehicles and set of vehicles of any maximum mass authorised, that collect to continuation:
.- Transport of alive livestock.
.- Transport of perishable commodities, understanding like such the collected in the International Agreement on the transport of perishable commodities (ATP) as well as the fruits and fresh vegetables, in vehicles that satisfy the defhomenes and norms expressed in the anejo 1 of the ATP. Anyway, the perishable commodity will have to suppose at least the half of the capacity of useful load of the vehicle or occupy the half of the volume of useful load of the vehicle.
.- Vehicles of the State Society Posts and Telegraphs, Anonymous Society, allocated to the transport of sendings postcards inside the field of the provision of the universal postal service, of Monday to Friday, both included.
.- In period of campaign of vialidad wintry, those that transport fundentes to ensure the correct maintenance of the vialidad of the roads.
.- Vehicles of help in public roads.
The vehicles of dangerous commodities, that have to spend the orange signposts of signage of satisfied statutory danger the Agreement on the international transport of commodities, have forbidden the circulation in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex V of the resolution, and besides, when the vehicle surpass the 7.500 kilograms of maximum mass authorised (MMA) or maximum mass of set (MMC),the indicated in the annex II.
The itineraries to use by the vehicles for the transport of dangerous commodities will be:
To) In scrollings for distribution and distribution of the dangerous commodity to his final addressees or consumers: it will use the most ideal itinerary, so much in relation with the security vial as with the fluidity of the traffic, visiting the minimum possible distance along conventional roads, until the point of delivery of the commodity.
They will have to use inexcusablemente the circunvalaciones, variants or external rounds to the populations if there were them, and in case to exist more than one will circulate by the most external to the population, being able to go in in the urban core only to make the operations of load and download, and always by the most next access to the point of delivery save by causes justified of main force.
b) In another type of scrollings: If the points of origin and fate of the scrolling find included inside the RIMP –Net of Itineraries for Dangerous Commodities– that appears in the annex IV of the resolution, the vehicles that transport them, will have to use them obligatoriamente in his route.
If one of these points, or both, remain out of the RIMP the scrollings will have to make by those roads that allow to access to said net by the entrance or start more next in the sense of the course, so as to guarantee that the route by roads of shod only was the shortest possible. The traffic by distinct roads of the distinguished will require that the itinerary no discurra by travesías or do it by the ones of minor dangerousness –in accordance with the intensity, classification and distribution of the traffic, the size of the urban core, the configuration urbanística, and the outline and regulation of the same–, and besides, the previous communication with, at least, twenty-four hours of antelación to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the one who coordinated with the Sector of the Grouping of Traffic of the Civil Guard, will confirm if it proceeds the utilisation of the new route.
Likewise, it will allow abandon the RIMP by the most next start, in those scrollings whose fate or origin was the usual residence of the driver; to effect the daily or weekly rests; for the realisation of operations of reparation, maintenance of the vehicle or to access to the base of the company carrier, as long as, anyway, fulfil the conditions of security and protection established in the ADR.
c) The had in the anterior paragraphs, will not be of application when the transport of this class of commodities make in accordance with any of the exemptions collected in the ADR by reason of the load, quantity or type of transport.
The special vehicles and vehicles that require complementary permission of circulation when surpassing, by his technical characteristics or by reason of the indivisible load transported, the values of the masses or maximum dimensions allowed, have forbidden the circulation in the tracts and during the days and hours that indicate in the annex II and the annex V.
.- This restriction will not be of application to vehicles that, in function of his urgent utilisation in works of prevention and extinction of fires, protection of the environment, maintenance of the conditions of vialidad of the roads and rescue of human lives, have to ineludiblemente circulate in the schedule restricted quoted.
For this, in the moment of home of the scrolling, will communicate to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the number of complementary permission or, in his defect the matrícula of the vehicle, as well as the urgent service to make and itinerary that will follow from his origin until the place of fate.
.- The agricultural machinery and the one of works or services, whenever they do not require complementary permission of circulation, will be exenta of the restrictions contemplated in the annex V of this resolution.
.- The special vehicles to the service of help in road will be exentos of the restrictions contemplated in the annex II and annex V.
– The cranes of elevation of until 5 axes (included),will be exentas of the restrictions contemplated the annex V.
– In the case of accidents that require the urgent and immediate presence of machineries of services automotriz and cranes of elevation in the place of the event, will communicate to the Centre of Management of Traffic of the zone affected, the number of complementary permission or, in his defect, matrícula of the vehicle, as well as the itinerary that will follow from his origin until the place of fate.